Honeywell C7660A1000, 4 or 20ma Dry Bulb Temperature Sensor for Supply Duct or Return Air

Cat # : Y2416

Model/Part # : C7660A1000


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Gross Weight
0.25 LB

Product Overview

Selectable outdoor temperature sensor for use with W7212 and W7459 economizers for referential dry bulb changeover.

  • Senses temperature of outdoor air and provides a signal to economizer control with OK or not OK to economize
  • Selectable dip switch provides 8 change over temperature options
  • When temperature of outdoor air is below change over temperature, the outdoor air damper is opened to reduce the cooling load in the building
  • Provides 4 OR 20 mA output signal to economizer control; At 4 mA not OK to economize, 20 mA OK to economize
  • Highly accurate microprocessor control
  • Sensor is enclosed in a rugged, corrosion-resistant plastic case
  • Replaces C7650 temperature sensors and the control function of temperature change over in the economizer control